-Gracefully restarts the Apache httpd daemon\&. If the daemon isnot running, it is started\&. This differs from a normal restart in that currently open connections are not aborted\&. A side effect is that old log files will not be closed immediately\&. This means that if used in a log rotation script, a substantial delay may be necessary to ensure that the old log files are closed before processing them\&. This command automatically checks the configuration files asin configtest before initiating the restart to make sure Apache doesn't die\&. This is equivalent to apachectl -k graceful\&.
+Gracefully restarts the Apache httpd daemon\&. If the daemon isnot running, it isnot started\&. This differs from a normal restart in that currently open connections are not aborted\&. A side effect is that old log files will not be closed immediately\&. This means that if used in a log rotation script, a substantial delay may be necessary to ensure that the old log files are closed before processing them\&. This command automatically checks the configuration files asin configtest before initiating the restart to make sure Apache doesn't die\&. This is equivalent to apachectl -k graceful\&.
Gracefully stops the Apache httpd daemon\&. This differs from a normal stopin that currently open connections arenot aborted\&. A side effect is that oldlog files will not be closed immediately\&. This is equivalent to apachectl -k graceful-stop\&.